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Break free
"One phone to rule them all, One phone to find them, One phone to bring them all and in the darkness bind them." in reference to "One ring to rule them all, One ring to find them, One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them." in 'The Lord of the Rings' by J.R.R. Tolkien
See section "3. A Diabolical Plan"
The world is turning into Plato's cavern - see the Cavern allegory, by Plato
W. K. Haselden's 'The Pocket Telephone, When it Will Ring' as published in The Mirror on March 5th 1919: When running for a train, When your hands are full, When it is raining, At a concert, When you are given a baby to hold ('That bell is frightening the poor mite!'), When you are being married - The latest modern horror in the way of inventions is supposed to be the pocket telephone. We can imagine the moments this instrument will choose for action!
An iDiot in an iWorld (1)
An iDiot in an iWorld (2)
iPhone iDiot rObots
'It is as safe as holding a tarantula' - Claire Edwards
"Alpha waves in the human brain are between 6 and 8 hertz. The wave frequency of the human cavity resonates between 6 and 8 hertz. All biological systems operate in the same frequency range. The human brain's alpha waves function in this range and the electrical resonance of the earth is between 6 and 8 hertz. Thus, our entire biological system - the brain and the earth itself - work on the same frequencies. If we can control that resonant system electronically, we can directly control the whole mental system of humankind." -Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) / Oh, Hello there!
"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." -Nikola Tesla (1856-1943)
Evolution of the human brain and phones
Evolution of the caveman
This is how the evolution stopped
Man's evolution... back to where we started!
The Evolution of Man
Large crowds all over the world are still doing the nazi salute, now they just hold smartphones in their hands - Before and now
The evolution of essentials: food and shelter / phone and charger
Evolution of Man and his weapons?
Imagine... 15 years ago, Whatsapp and the iPhone didn't exist! - What changed in 15 years
The evolution of reading the news at breakfast
Timeline of shades
Three apples that changed the world: The first apple brought sin into this world. The second apple brought gravitational law. The third apple spoiled human relations.
Even cats are unhappy: this cat can't play with the wool ball as Grandma is too busy looking at her tablet!
Volkskrant magazine's front page, to symbolise the 2010's.
The Evolution of Man - from fish to snail
Have you seen herds of asses lately?
What is that thing great grand-father is holding? -I don't know, but all the elders carry them at all times.. in hopes the 'power' comes back on..
What archaeologists will find 5000 years from now
Hard to believe I once had a phone attached to a wall. When it rang, I'd pick it up without knowing who was calling. Amazing I'm still alive.
I keep loosing my phone! Why doesn't someone just invent a phone that stays attached to the wall?!
How to frighten the new generation - Put them in a room with a rotary phone, an analog watch and a TV with no remote. Then leave directions on how to use in cursive.
[Traditional jobs - 21st century jobs] -"Which one do you want?" (Phones and technology have ruined traditional jobs)
2009: It's a smartphone, it can do anything - 2019: Stare into this nightmare rectangle and watch society collapse in real time
2019: Get off your phone and go outside - 2020: Get on your phone and stay inside (a u-turn!)
Civilization... Have we reached the top or the bottom?
Matter of time... Hey, everyone.. Over here! He's not doing social media! Get him!!
That's him! The last person without a cell phone! -He's impossible to get hold of unless he's at home! -Let's get him!
A crowd… in flesh and blood, plastic and metal… (in B&W)
A crowd and its ubiquitous smartphones!
Only one person in the crowd is living in the moment.
This lady comes from a generation that knows how to enjoy the moment
How many phones can you count?
If you gaze long enough into the abyss, it will gaze back into you - I think therefore Iphone
No real memories
Robots peacefully reading and drawing on a bench while the masses walk by, hypnotised… Who/What is most robotic?
Man, the world is really going to hell, isn't it?
A new app to show you reality? Not in a million years. - 'They Live', a 1988 movie by John Carpenter
Sunset at the beach
The future of our species...
A man was caught watching the real world...
It's the reality app. I can see you when I look in my phone.
It's not real!
Actual Reality Goggles from a box of Reeses' Puffs
"Realism™ Smart Device" was created by The Company of Others in 2014 - "Realism is the ultimate smart device - one that removes the "Digital Barrier" that separates people from the world around them and each other. Realism allows smart device users to connect with, and be present for, the people and things that are most deserving of their attention. -Modern, lightweight design that is easy to carry, and can be used anywhere in lieu of other smart devices or phones. -Pre-loaded with the most advanced apps for sound, sight, taste and smell, enabling users to enjoy what's in front of them without a filter. -The most powerful processor in the world – the human brain. -Never drops a call, never runs out of battery or needs to be charged. -Never rings or vibrates at the wrong time. -Enables users to participate in life in real time, not just observe or record it. -Available in glossy red, white, black and clear."
My phone is busted... Whoa! Has the sky always been blue?
Lindedin, Facebook, Instagram, Tinder, real life
"I've tricked him into thinking the garden's a Youtube video" - the Daily Mail, Jan 29th 2019
Social media vs. reality
Which one is yours? - African workers with dumped cellphones
Which one is yours? - Desperate African workers sifting through mounds of old chargers
"Harari travels a lot, is solicited by the world's media, has a prime minister's agenda, but does not own a smartphone: 'Really important people don't have one,' he told Le Monde.” (www.levif.be)
About Yuval Harari: "He still refuses to use a smartphone. 'This way I feel more protected', he concedes." (www.lefigaro.fr)
Yuval Harari: "I don't have a smartphone. My attention is one of the most important resources I have, and the smartphone is constantly trying to grab my attention. There's always something coming in." (www.gq.com)
“That’s one of the reasons [I don’t have a smart phone], basically it’s to keep my time, and you know, over the last 20 years the smartest people in the world and the best technology in the world have been working on the problem of how to hack human beings and control them through the screens and through the smart phones. I’m no match to them. If I give them access [showing his brain with his hand], they win. So I try to limit their access in that way.” -YUVAL HARARI, WEF (2022 interview)
© No Slave Collar 2020 -
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Health, Brain, 5G, Transhumans, Death
In the real world
Art, Prison, Surveillance, Cashless society, David Dees
Aliens, Zombies, Addiction, New attitudes
Slavery, Tyranny, Books, Morals, Screens
Bad parenting, Family, Love, Positive examples
Children, Education
Businesses, Food, Nature, Holidays, Christmas
Ego, Social media, Friends, Bathroom, Accidents
Thoughts, Evolution, Society, Crowds, Reality, Harari
Break free