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Art, Prison, Surveillance, Cashless society, David Dees
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Break free
Museum exhibition of cigarettes, alcohol and phone addiction
'Ripper' by Faraz Shanyar
Statues of rectangular smartphone faces
'Human Hand Without Cell Phone' - piece created for posterity by Jim Carrey
Now this is Art
Prison phone - art piece done by a student
Artwork - Concrete Cellphone - 'Unplugged', Salzig, Berlin
On a street in Berlin, Streetart Galerie
Arty picture
Colourful art
'Absorbed by Light' by Gali May Lucas is a sculpture displayed in Amsterdam, to highlight cellphone obsession and addiction
Instagram left, Facebook right
Piece by Jess Karp
The Search for Validation, by Rosie Hardy
Virtual reality goggles, drug addicts
If Pompeii happened now… (people care more about selfies than death!)
You are being spied 24/24, 7/7, 365/365
Wake up! sheeple! - art exhibition showing sheeple with phones in their hands
We are doing something wrong
Phones are drugs
'Art' in B&W
Synonyms - cellphones, shackles, manacles, handcuffs, fetters, chains
Painting handcuffs
Representation of the modern convict
Same idea, displayed in a school
Escaped convict from a high security prison, "When you've ditched your cellphone"
I sound funny? - Yeah, I'm calling from my cell phone!
Concrete Cellphone - 'Unplugged', Salzig, Berlin 2018 (1)
Concrete Cellphone - 'Unplugged', Salzig, Berlin 2018 (2)
Children in a prison cell-phone
When these things first appeared, they were so cool. Only when it was too late did people realize they are as cool as electronic tags on remand prisoners. - David Mitchell, Ghostwritten
Hey look! He's wearing his smartwatch on his ankle, is this the new fashion? -No, it's an "ankle monitor"! It's for convicts under house arrest.
An old model of electronic shackles that looked like your smartwatch
1984 was not supposed to be an instruction manual
1984 theatre play - The people will not revolt. They will not look up from their screens long enough to notice what's happening.
We've been tracking you cellphone Winston - COVID 1984 - You haven't been following the social distancing rules
As the world continues to get more evil and controlled, the people will not care because they're too distracted to notice
Google filters your thoughts, Apple knows where your mom is, Facebook chooses what you read...
My smartphone… "It has been growing on my mind lately. Sometimes I have felt it was like an eye looking at me (...) don't you know; or wondering if it is safe, and pulling it out to make sure. I tried locking it up, but I found I couldn't rest without it in my pocket. I don't know why." - Bilbo Baggins to Gandalf , in 'The Lord of the Rings' by J.R.R. Tolkien
The new IPhone recognizes your finger -They're gonna pay $650... to give us their fingerprints!
The NSA is spying on you at all times
Our research shows this model has the best voice quality and coverage! -Do you work here? -No...I'm with the NSA!
How am I this morning? -Analyzing data... Enough data can tell more about yourself than you know!
Outrageous! The government is listening to all our conversations!
Spot the difference between right and left pictures, Clue - There is None
Surveillance - 10 ways your phone knows where you are
I read that the government wants to install cameras everywhere to record our every move. -Scary.
Oh, we don't really need the confession booth anymore... We just follow them on Twitter and check out their Facebook pages
Privacy is a thing of the past - A smartphone is nothing more than a tracking device
That phone comes with a two-year contract and a lifetime of warrantless scrutiny
Screenshot of a testimony (found online, Oct.2022) - Are our phones literally reading our thoughts?
Electronic concentration camp, by Ben Garrison
The 21st Century, by Babby (1)
The 21st Century, by Babby (2)
Biometric money control
Food Bank -When they said we were heading for a 'cashless' society, I didn't think they meant we just wouldn't have any money!
Our card terminal is down, we're only accepting cash - Gime a hint, what's it look like?
Cashless busker, musicians on the street
Pot of gold?! Nobody uses cash these days! Do you fancy a couple of gift cards?
You wanna use your phone to pay for that? -Why would I want to do that? Cash is anonymous. Yet, for zero incentive, a discount, phone payments allow giant corporations to track my every digital move. Government, too. Aside from the privacy problems, it abstracts expenses, making it easier for me to buy stuff I don't need, at higher prices. -It makes a sound engineered to release a squirt of dopamine in your frontal cortex. -Well, in that case…
Pretty soon you'll be using your smartphone to pay for everything! -I lose my cellphone more than I lose my wallet!!
I don't use cash anymore. All my transactions are electronic. For the first time in my life I can say 'Money is no object.'
A cashless society means no cash. Zero. It doesn't mean mostly cashless and you can still use a 'wee bit of cash here and there'. Cashless means fully digital, fully traceable, fully controlled, No more garage sales, No more cash donations to hungry homeless you pass, No more cash slipped into the hands of a child from their grandparent, No more money in birthday cards, No more piggy banks or tooth fairy for your child, No more selling bits and pieces from your home that you no longer want/need for a bit of cash in return, Less choice of where you purchase based on affordability, Banks have full control of every single cent you own, Every transaction you make is recorded, All your movements and actions are traceable, etc.
5G MASER (Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) beams are similar to invisible LASER (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) rays - work by David Dees
Smart Madness, by David F Sullivan M.Sc. - illustration by David Dees
The Descent into Hell... (Can you spot the "All-Seeing Eye" in the top left corner?) - by David Dees
The boiling frog allegory - by David Dees
StopTheCrime.net - WiFi radiation at school, by David Dees
Masts and death towers in disguise - work by David Dees
Irradiated pregnancy - work by David Dees
'Energy-saving' light bulbs emit a lot of electro-magnetic radiation - work by David Dees
Screen time and junk food in a world of degenerated, cellphones-addicted couch potatoes and robots… - work by David Dees
"The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America" (and of schoolchildren worldwide) - by David Dees
An unpeaceful neighbourhood while the sky is falling, by David Dees
AT&Tumor ("American Telephone & Telegraph" has become "American Telephone & Tumor"), by David Dees
Sheeple Nov Dec 2017, front illustration by David Dees
Sheeple Jul Aug 2018, front illustration by David Dees
Sheeple Mar Apr 2019, front illustration by David Dees
Sheeple Jul Aug 2019, front illustration by David Dees
Weaponized microwave radiation, by David Dees
© No Slave Collar 2020 -
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Health, Brain, 5G, Transhumans, Death
In the real world
Art, Prison, Surveillance, Cashless society, David Dees
Aliens, Zombies, Addiction, New attitudes
Slavery, Tyranny, Books, Morals, Screens
Bad parenting, Family, Love, Positive examples
Children, Education
Businesses, Food, Nature, Holidays, Christmas
Ego, Social media, Friends, Bathroom, Accidents
Thoughts, Evolution, Society, Crowds, Reality, Harari
Break free